TISHA B' AV 5781 / July 17-18, 2021
Saturday Evening
Maariv & Eicha: 9:15 pm
Fast Begins: 8:03 pm
Sunday Morning
Shacharit: 9:00 am [no Tallit/Tefillin]
Sunday Afternoon
Chatzot: 1:00 pm [sitting in chairs is permitted]
Mincha/Maariv [Mincha with Tallit & Tefillin]: 7:30 pm
Fast Ends: 8:48 pm
Masks, covering the mouth and nose, must be worn at all times when on Kehilla property, except by those fully vaccinated for at least 14 days
Saturday Evening
Maariv & Eicha: 9:15 pm
Fast Begins: 8:03 pm
Sunday Morning
Shacharit: 9:00 am [no Tallit/Tefillin]
Sunday Afternoon
Chatzot: 1:00 pm [sitting in chairs is permitted]
Mincha/Maariv [Mincha with Tallit & Tefillin]: 7:30 pm
Fast Ends: 8:48 pm
Masks, covering the mouth and nose, must be worn at all times when on Kehilla property, except by those fully vaccinated for at least 14 days