Westwood Kehilla Welcomes You!The Westwood Kehilla is an Orthodox synagogue committed to a halachic approach to life and communal affairs, while remaining engaged in the modern world.
We are proud of our diverse community and welcoming atmosphere for visitors and regulars alike. We engage Jews on a broad spectrum of knowledge, belief and religious practice in a welcoming, non-judgmental way. We are a shul for the entire family, with programming for all ages. We focus on bringing families together, and providing meaningful opportunities for everyone to learn and grow their Judaism at their own level. By providing religious services, educational opportunities, communal activities and home hospitality, the Kehilla seeks to share the riches of Judaism and to encourage the spiritual growth of all who come through its doors. Join us! 10523 Santa Monica Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90025 PH: 310-441-5288 / email: [email protected] Minyan TimesFeb 13-21
CLICK HERE FOR SHABBAT SCHEDULE Shacharit Sun - 8:15 am Mon & Thurs - 6:30 am Tues, Wed & Fri - 6:45 am Mincha / Maariv Fri (Feb 14) - 5:25 pm Fri (Feb 21) - 5:30 pm Sun-Thurs Mincha / Maariv is not scheduled at the Kehilla this week. Please contact Rabbi Stewart for updates. Tu BiShvat – Sundown Wednesday, Feb. 12 – Nightfall Thursday Feb. 13 Westwood Kehilla Address 10523 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 900 For a map / directions, click here. Keep in touch with WKJoin Our Email List
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