8:49 pm Maariv [Tzeit Hakochavim (three stars) at 8:49:20 pm] Maariv and Kiddush should not be said before 8:49 pm, in order to permit the full forty-ninth day of Sefira to end before the Holiday. Shehecheyanu is said with candle lighting and Kiddush.
10:30pm - 12:30am Learning at the Westwood Kehillah – Identifying our Jewish Identity – What [not Who] is a Jew?
All night learning at the Westwood Beit Knesset: Approximately 12:00am - 5:00am. There will be many options for classes at the WBK, including a class by Rabbi Mendel Meyers. Rabbi Stewart will be learning a Talmudic sugya in depth from 3-5am.
SHAVUOT DAY 1, Wednesday, June 12th At the Westwood Beit Knesset:
5:00 am Early Shacharit Begins
5:41 am Netz haChamah [Earliest Reciting the Amidah of Shacharit – Sunrise at 5:44:13 AM]
At the Westwood Kehilla:
9:30 am Shacharit
9:17 am Latest Shema (it should be said before coming to Shul)
8:49 pm Maariv [Tzeit Hakochavim (three stars) at 8:49:46 pm] Maariv and Kiddush should not be said before 8:49 Kiddush (For Shabbat and the Holiday) can be said after 8:48 pm. Shehecheyanu is said with candle lighting or Kiddush.
SHAVUOT DAY 2, Thursday, June 13th
9:00 am Shacharit
9:18 am Latest Shema (Say before coming to Shul - Gra & Baal HaTanya)
9:45 am Festive Hallel (Come to Shul, Bring your Energy, and get ready to feel the day!)
Megillat Ruth is recited
Drasha by Rabbi Stewart
10:45am (Approx.) Yizkor
SHAVUOT DAY 2 AFTERNOON (At Westwood Kehilla)
5:30pm Women’s Shiur: Exploring Megillat Rut at the Meyers [10592 Wilkins Ave]
6:45pm Shiur at Shul
7:45 pm Mincha [Shkiah (sunset) at 8:06:16 pm PDT]
8:00 pm Ne’ilas HaChag—Singing, and Everyone is invited to share Dvvrei Torah