Purim 5784
Join us to celebrate in all kinds of ways! From our Purim party and Megilla readings in person, Westwood Kehilla has you covered!
Click the buttons below to RSVP and attend the Purim party, or a gift basket, and find out more about everything being offered!
Click the buttons below to RSVP and attend the Purim party, or a gift basket, and find out more about everything being offered!
Fast of Esther –
Due to Purim falling out on Motsei Shabbata dn Sunday, the Fast of Esther will take place on Thursday, March 21st. The Fast begins at 5:40am and ends after 7:44 pm.
Machazit HaShekel -
The remembrance of the Machazit HaShekel will be available on the Fast day prior to Mincha. Mincha on Thursday March 21 will begin at 6:35 pm. The custom is to contribute Tzedaka for the purpose of re-enacting the giving of a half-Shekel during this time of year to the Beit HaMikdash.
Megillah Reading –
It is a Mitzvah for all men and women to hear the Megilla read twice, once in the evening and again during the next day. The evening reading for Westwood Kehilla will take place along with Maariv at 8:05pm on Motsei Shabbos [Saturday night], March 23rd. There will be a morning reading for Westwood Kehilla on Sunday, March 24th. Shacharit will begin at 7:30am. The megillah reading will be at 8:00 am.
Mishloach Manot –
It is a Mitzvah to send at least two food items, of different types and ready-to-eat, to one other person to be delivered during Purim day. The WK Mishloach Manot project does NOT fulfill this Mitzvah (although it is in keeping with other goals of the day) so one should send two items to at least one other person during the day.
Matanot L’Evyoyim
Two monetary gifts to those in need should be given to two people (one to each person) to be delivered during Purim day. One can give Rabbi Stewart this Tzdeka to be distributed either locally or to those in need in the land of Israel. It is more important to be generous in this Mitzvah than spending money on the festive meal.
It is a Mitzvah to have a festive meal during the day of Sunday March 24th . This may be fulfilled by joining the community at the Kehilla. Please make sure to RSVP.
Due to Purim falling out on Motsei Shabbata dn Sunday, the Fast of Esther will take place on Thursday, March 21st. The Fast begins at 5:40am and ends after 7:44 pm.
Machazit HaShekel -
The remembrance of the Machazit HaShekel will be available on the Fast day prior to Mincha. Mincha on Thursday March 21 will begin at 6:35 pm. The custom is to contribute Tzedaka for the purpose of re-enacting the giving of a half-Shekel during this time of year to the Beit HaMikdash.
Megillah Reading –
It is a Mitzvah for all men and women to hear the Megilla read twice, once in the evening and again during the next day. The evening reading for Westwood Kehilla will take place along with Maariv at 8:05pm on Motsei Shabbos [Saturday night], March 23rd. There will be a morning reading for Westwood Kehilla on Sunday, March 24th. Shacharit will begin at 7:30am. The megillah reading will be at 8:00 am.
Mishloach Manot –
It is a Mitzvah to send at least two food items, of different types and ready-to-eat, to one other person to be delivered during Purim day. The WK Mishloach Manot project does NOT fulfill this Mitzvah (although it is in keeping with other goals of the day) so one should send two items to at least one other person during the day.
Matanot L’Evyoyim
Two monetary gifts to those in need should be given to two people (one to each person) to be delivered during Purim day. One can give Rabbi Stewart this Tzdeka to be distributed either locally or to those in need in the land of Israel. It is more important to be generous in this Mitzvah than spending money on the festive meal.
It is a Mitzvah to have a festive meal during the day of Sunday March 24th . This may be fulfilled by joining the community at the Kehilla. Please make sure to RSVP.